WeGlow will represent Belgium in the Creative Business Cup 2024

29 mrt. 2024

WeGlow is thrilled to share the exciting news of our success in the selection phase of the Creative Business Cup 2024! We will be representing Belgium on the global platform. Selected through the WeAreFounders program, our journey to victory was marked by passion, creativity, and unwavering determination.

The Creative Business Cup is renowned worldwide for its celebration of innovation and entrepreneurship, and we are honored to have been chosen among a pool of exceptionally talented startups from around the globe. Our journey to this stage has been fueled by creativity, passion, and dedication. We are immensely proud of how far we have come.

As we prepare to take on the challenge of competing against startups from over 80 countries, we are filled with excitement and anticipation. This is a remarkable opportunity to showcase the ingenuity and potential of WeGlow on a truly global scale.

As we bask in the glow of this achievement, we look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead. The global stage awaits, filled with endless possibilities for growth, collaboration, and impact. With the guidance and resources provided by the Creative Business Cup we are more determined than ever to take WeGlow to new heights and shine even brighter on the world stage.

To our fellow creatives and aspiring entrepreneurs, we encourage you to pursue your dreams with passion and determination. The Creative Business Cup has shown us that with creativity, innovation, and resilience, anything is possible.

We extend our sincere thanks to the Creative Business Cup organizers, the esteemed jury members, the We Are Founders Programand and all who have contributed to making this journey a reality. Together, we'll continue to illuminate the world with our creativity, one glow at a time.

Stay tuned as WeGlow embarks on this exciting new chapter, and join us as we strive to become the best creative startup of the year 2024!
